17 December 2005
Again I am utilising South Australia's public internet service, having just spent twenty minutes as one of those crazy people you see waiting outside libraries for them to open. Most people just want a padded seat in air-conditioning. The rest are here for free internet. Crescent Moon was interesting. Amazing, really, in retrospect. So much gold. The textiles became a tad monotonous though - it was hard for my untrained eye to appreciate the significance of the different patterns and weaving techniques - but I did spend hours there, carefully examining each piece, justifying the expense of getting here. Most were at least a few hundred years old. Afterwards I got lost again, trying to find the guy who sells upside-down meat pies in pea soup (ie, 'pie floaters'), to no avail. So I caught the tram out to Glenelg, where it was cold and windy, yet I still managed to acquire a nasty sunburn. Will complete later...